
Hikes, Maine, Travel

Jaw-dropping views at Cadillac Mountain

Cadillac Mountain, located on Mount Desert Island is the most visited attraction in Acadia National Park and the only one that can be reached by car. The Mountain was named after the Frenchman, Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac who was a French explorer and adventurer in New France. Standing at about 1,530 feet in height Cadillac Mountain […]

Berkshires, Hikes, Travel

Balancing Life with a Toddler at Balance Rock State park in Pittsfield, MA

We do hikes with our littles fairly often and we thoroughly enjoy them. It’s one of our favorite ways to spend quality time as a family and bond while recharging and enjoying all that nature has to offer us. The Balancing Rock at the Pittsfield State park was an unexpected fun experience that we didn’t necessarily plan. We were driving […]

Berkshires, The Berkshires of Western Massachusetts, Travel

Train Ride in The Berkshires/ Berkshire Scenic Railroad Museum

On a Saturday morning as it always happens, our little one looked up from his breakfast plate and asked the question “What are we going to do today?”. We were spending a long weekend in The Berkshires. It had rained pretty hard the night before and our usual plan for a hike was out of the question, at least not […]